Friday, December 25, 2015


Hi everyone Merry Christmas whoever that read my blog today. For this Christmas treat, I fix on crinkle cookies which I read on FB that is a great bake for Christmas season. So here I go for this little cookies which I failed once (maybe I had made some mistake on the previous recipe) but this time is a success for me as my girl with golden tongue say is nice and request for more.

Make these little for my friends in my company, I will not consider them as my colleague but as friends. During my stay in my company, they will help me a lot in terms of work or even give me advice especially Christina which we had been colleague cum friends for the past 11 years. I dun know how long we will stay together in the company but really appreciate her to be there for me whether in terms of work or personal.

Thanks Elcy and Alice for all the advice that had been given and look out for me when nobody in the company cares about my little dept (which consist only two ppl working)

Ok now that all for the little thought of appreciation from me (even though they might not know my blog), now get down to business.

These crinkle cookies is rolled in powder sugar so that when it is baked, expand and crack that is why the name crinkle is given.

 170g of flour
340g sugar
60g cocoa poweder
78g unflavoured oil
113g baking chocolate, melted and cooled
3 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking powder
powdered sugar


1 Preheat the oven 175 deg C
2 combine sugar, oil and melted (cooled) chocolate in a bowl, mix well using a mixer (medium speed).
3 One egg at a time, mix to the wet ingredient and add in the vanilla extract
4 Shift flour, cocoa powder, baking powder in another bowl
5 Pour the dry ingredient into the wet ingredient, then gradually stir til the mixture is well combined
6 Place the cookie dough into the freezer for half an hour, for it to be solidified for easy handling
7 Use a teaspoon to guide for the size of the cookie dough, I felt that half of the teaspoon of the cookie dough is good enough
8 Roll the cookie dough onto the prepared powder sugar, the dough must be completely coated, then transfer to the baking pan
9 Place in oven for 10 mins (if you are using a full teaspoon dough, the timing is about 15 mins for my own oven)
10 Remove from the oven and let it cool in the baking tray for a few minutes, if not the cookies is too soft to transfer to the cooling tray.
11 Serve

Enjoy :)

simply love the reindeer container from taobao

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