Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Since Monday (28/1/12) I had been baking my CNY goodies, the first goodies will be Kueh Bangkit which is my favourite but too bad I can't eat at this moment, having cough and flu since last week. I had to prevent myself from taking too much of it, anyway my girl will help me to finish.


500g tapioca flour
3-4 panan leaves
200ml of cocount milk
33g of margarine
230g icing sugar (I reduced to 200g)
2tsp vanilla extract
1 egg yolk

Preheat the oven to 165 deg C, bake for 20min depend on your oven.

1) Fry the tapioca flour with pandan leaves until frangance. Leave the flour to cool. (I will fry the flour one day before hand)
2) Shift the flour and icing sugar in a big bowl
3) Mix the cocount milk, egg yolk and vanilla extract in a separate bowl
4) Pour the liquid mixture and margarine into the flour mixture
5) Knead until the mixture into a ball
6) Take a portion of the dough and flatten, I had used a heart shape cookies cutter.